What The Cast Of CSI: Miami Is Doing Today

Boti Bliss played Maxine Valera, the Miami-Dade Crime Lab's DNA analyst, from Seasons 2 through 8, and felt "CSI: Miami" was the standout installment of the franchise because it offered more escapism than some of the other locations. "I just think that there is a level of like, glamour to it," she later told ActionFlickChick. "You see sexy people, things happening to the rich people. It kind of takes you to a different world."

Since acting on "CSI: Miami," Bliss has starred in a number of made-for-TV thrillers, including Lifetime hits "Killer in Suburbia," "A Teacher's Obsession," and "Deadly Switch." On a 2020 episode of MyLifeSucker's "Potty Talk" YouTube series, Bliss revealed that the switch in genre was very intentional because, by the end of her run on "CSI: Miami," she was tired of having to deliver Valera's complicated dialogue. "All my dialogue was just so like reading out of a dictionary, and I just thought, gosh, I want to do like, a soap opera or something after this with some kind of emotion," she said. "I started getting all these Lifetime movies that are like high-stakes emotion, so I got my wish."

In addition to her acting work, Bliss is busy raising her son, Ashby, with husband Blair Hayes, who directed her in "A Teacher's Obsession." Bliss frequently shares pictures and videos of their son on Instagram.
