CSI: Cyber Recap 3/9/16: Season 2 Episode 17 Flash Squad

CSI: Cyber Recap 3/9/16: Season 2 Episode 17 "Flash Squad"

Tonight on CBS CSI: Cyber returns with an all new Wednesday March 9, season 2 episode 17 called, “Flash Squad” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, the team investigates when users of a traffic app are rerouted to remote locations and robbed by masked women.

On the last episode, the Cyber team hunted a vigilante who was killing the biggest offenders of objectionable posts on social media Web sites. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the CBS synopsis, “the Cyber team investigates when users of a traffic app are rerouted to remote locations and robbed by masked women. Also, Russell reconnects with Greer Latimore (Kelly Preston)after the team completes business in Los Angeles.”

Tonight’s season 2 episode 17 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CBS’s CSI: Cyber at 10:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are so far with this season.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Nelson was into something very cloak and dagger on tonight’s episode of “CSI: Cyber”. And therefore he missed the numerous calls that Avery had made about a new case out in Los Angeles.

However, Nelson did eventually make it back to the office where he was told by Raven that they were then in charge of operations at home base. So that means Nelson missed out on a free trip to the West Coast, but he would later tell Raven that it was worth it because that secretive business he was on involved his case. As in the one in which the FBI tried him for hacking into the stock exchange and stealing millions of dollars. Then offered to cut down his jail in exchange for his assistance in their cyber program.

Only what Nelson had recently found out was that the FBI had collected evidence outside the scope of their federal warrant. Therefore, everything they collected including the crucial piece that they have been holding over Nelson’s head was unfortunately inadmissible. And in Nelson’s eyes that also meant he was free.

Free to leave the program whenever he wanted and free to file a lawsuit against the FBI if they tried to stop him from walking away. But Raven had told him that doing such a thing wasn’t a good idea and she had tried to talk him into going to Avery first. Explaining that Avery would help him if he would were to go to her, but Nelson didn’t want Avery’s help. And so Avery had to find out about a lawsuit in the middle of an investigation.

Avery, DB, Mundo, and Krumitz had all gone out to LA because they had been notified by the FreeLane App that someone was hacking into their system to randomly rob people that they had manipulated into corners. Though the person that had made the connection between the recent thefts and the hacks had been Greer. Who had been hired by FreeLane when they suspected one of their own had planted a malicious virus in their system.

Yet the virus hadn’t been used as some employee’s revenge plot. It had been used to lure people to dead ends or trains tracks. Where they would then be held up by a trio of young women that wanted all of their money, jewelry, as well as purses. And, by time Avery and her people had showed up, there had been another hack.

So Avery and her people went looking for Joel Matthews because it was his car that hasn’t moved in hours and Joel had eventually been found dead. Someone had shot him which was unusual and there had been a second victim that was still alive. The female sadly didn’t have any kind of identification on her so it took some times before she was id as Riley Van Lowe.

And it took the Cyber Unit even longer to figure out Riley had been on the Flash Squad. That’s what the trio was calling themselves in their video posts about their exploits. Though the team wondered why they had tried to kill one of their own.

A search of Riley’s apartment showed that she had been the one to post the videos and had built the electric device that brought down the train crossing arm which had prevented Joel from leaving, but her computer wasn’t used in the hack on FreeLane. So it had been one of Riley’s partners that had taken care of things on that end. But the only thing that showed Riley’s interacting with her fellow members of the Flash Squad had been her emails. Or lack thereof.

Riley it seems had created a second email address that she logged into everyday yet she never sent or received any emails. Therefore, someone realized they girls were using an old cartel trick in which they write and save drafts. And that’s how they were able to communicate about their plans.

So Krumitz found previous versions of their draft conversation and then left it to Avery and DB to detect patterns of speech between the girls. And that’s how they found out Riley had been the omega of the group seeing as she easily swayed by the others into following along. Though her friends Sophia and Madison were the beta and Alpha respectively.

Sophia had hacked FreeLane and she had done so because Madison had ordered her to. Madison as it turns out was the muscle and so she called the shots. And she was the one carrying the gun around.

Thus DB figured out what happened when Joel was shot. Joel most likely knocked Riley’s face mask off which is why they found it on the ground next to Joel and Madison must have shot Joel once she realized he had seen Riley’s face. But Riley must have panicked. She hadn’t signed on to kill anyone and probably would have wanted them to get help for Joel before he bled out.

She had after all only joined their group to pay off her school tuition. However, Madison shot her when Riley tried to call for help. The other girl hadn’t liked it when Riley tried to assert herself even if it was out of fear and so she killed her to protect herself. And Sophia had merely gone along with whatever Madison said.

And while the Cyber Unit didn’t know where the other two girls had run off to, they did know how to set a trap.

Using the gossip news site called GNE, Avery had her people look into whoever was checking out the news story on the Flash Squad and filtered out their search engines. So they found Sophia and Madison when the two girls longed onto the story about Riley giving a tell-all interview and then did search on Riley’s name. A fact that hadn’t been released to the press.

But the girls had fled their motel room so that’s when someone came up with the bright idea to control FreeLane. The Cyber Unit navigated everyone heading to the Mexican border by posting cops at certain ends. And those that were looking to escape police detection, ended up right where the FBI wanted them.

So Sophia and Madison will have their day in court, but not Nelson. The Director had seen that Nelson wasn’t backing down from his lawsuit so he freed him right then and there. Saying that his past years in the unit will be recognized as time served.

However, the director also told Avery that he was cutting the hacker for hire program. Meaning Nelson freed himself but is responsible for Raven going to jail seeing as there hadn’t been a technicality in the case the FBI had against her.

