The Vampire Diaries Season 8 Spoilers: Katherine Not Dead Damon Releases Evil Doppelganger

‘The Vampire Diaries’ Season 8 Spoilers: Katherine Not Dead – Damon Releases Evil Doppelganger Hungry For Bodies From Vault?

‘The Vampire Diaries’ spoilers for the final season tease that Nina Dobrev has returned as Katherine. In a promo video trailer for season 8, Damon releases something horrific from an underground vault. TVD fans speculate that Damon has let Elena’s evil doppelganger out and Katherine will wreak havoc in Mystic Falls.

The CW’s extended promo for season 8 of TVD has everyone, including Stefan [Paul Wesley,] wondering what is in the mystery vault. This is the same vault from which came desperate cries for Damon’s [Ian Somerhalder] help. Who’s to say it’s Elena?

More than 100 years ago all the vampires were rounded up and supposedly trapped under Fell’s Church. However, George [Simon Miller] helped Katherine escape Mystic Falls. What if Katherine didn’t escape and has been trapped with the other vampires for over a century?

Someone using Elena’s voice is in that vault and destroying lives. In the promo video for season 8 of ‘The Vampire Diaries,’ Damon is seen flipping a lever and opening some type of deep, dark water-filled underground cavern. “This is beginning of the end,” Damon proclaims.

Previous TVD spoilers for season 8 tease that Damon has gone over to the dark side. If the promo is any indication, Damon has indeed flipped and Stefan won’t be able to save him. Seems Damon will start sacrificing the good citizens of Mystic Falls to whatever or whoever has been trapped in the water-filled vault. Something evil this way comes and Damon must know what it is because he says, “Once the devil comes calling, you’re done.”

When Damon pulls that lever does the vampire release Katherine from the tomb in which she has rested for years? Will Elena’s doppelganger pull Damon over to the dark side and partner with the vampire to wipe out the citizens of Mystic Falls?

In previous ‘The Vampire Diaries’ spoiler videos for season 8, fans have seen a hand creep out of somewhere. Poor Enzo [Michael Malarkey] is shown being grabbed by the witch-like hands but so far no face has been shown.

It’s no secret that Ian Somerhalder and Nina Dobrev have no desire to work together. Did Julie Plec manage to work around the problem by writing a storyline that has Katherine living in the vault and manipulating Damon into doing her bidding?

It’s entirely possible that Nina Dobrev has recorded voice overs but won’t actually be seen during the final season of ‘The Vampire Diaries.’ And it may be Katherine, not Elena, who has come to take down Mystic Falls. What do you think of all these spoilers, readers? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below and keep checking CDL for all your ‘The Vampire Diaries’ spoilers.

Media credits to The CW
