Judging purely from what I've seen on television, being one of Gordon Ramsay's kids may not be the easiest thing in the entire world. But if they're expecting to get a good chunk of Ramsay's huge fortune as a reward for their troubles, they're going to be disappointed, because Ramsay has gone on record saying they won't be able to count on much.
That's despite the fact that with a $190 million fortune, Ramsay is perhaps the richest TV chef of all time, but his wealth has apparently only served to clarify and amplify his feeling that wealth can be a bad influence on kids. In a 2017 interview with the Telegraph, he explained his plan to mostly leave his kids out of his will:
"I've never been really turned on about the money…That's not my number one objective, and that's reflected in the way the kids are brought up…It's definitely not going to them, and that's not in a mean way; it's to not spoil them…The only thing I've agreed with [wife] Tana is they get a 25 percent deposit on a flat, but not the whole flat."

Eamonn M. McCormack/Getty Images
Ramsay's parenting philosophy extends to more than just his last will and testament. His desire not to spoil his kids also extends to their shared travel arrangements, according to him:
"They don't sit with us in first class…They haven't worked anywhere near hard enough to afford that. At that age, at that size, you're telling me they need to sit in first class? No, they do not. We're really strict on that…I turn left with Tana and they turn right and I say to the chief stewardess, 'Make sure those little f—— don't come anywhere near us, I want to sleep on this plane.' I worked my f—— arse off to sit that close to the pilot and you appreciate it more when you've grafted for it."
So perhaps it's true that Ramsay's kids won't be surprised to be left out of his will after all – it seems like that would be more or less par for the course.ncG1vNJzZmivp6x7pLHLnpmroaSuu6bA1qipraBemLyue8Crq6KbnJrAcK%2FEpZybqpmpxnCzzqubqKZdp66uv8CyqmajmZnAbsPOp6tmoZ6dsrO102aYZqSRp7SmecWoqa2tnpp6o7HCmqysnV2dsm6wzp6qp6xdrK6vwIytpmaroKS2rXnToZymZw%3D%3D