Was Blueface's mom in Friday After Next? Viral Soul Plane picture sparks hilarious reactions online

Claims about Blueface’s mother Karlissa Saffold appearing in the 2002 comedy movie Friday After Next have resurfaced on social media in recent days. This was after netizens spotted Saffold in the 2004 comedy Soul Plane.

On September 30, a post on X went viral where a user @MoMonieDoll shared a still from the 2004 movie. In the snapshot, the LA rapper’s mother appeared as a flight passenger in a scene alongside other extras.

Another user then mentioned in the comments that Saffold was in the Christmas party scene of Friday After Next as well.

While Karlissa Saffold is not credited in the cast list of Friday After Next on IMDB, viewers were convinced that it was her.

TMY Media posted a short clip of a house party from Friday After Next on its YouTube channel on May 18. Mike Epps appeared in the scene dancing to the music and right after, a woman in a red dress appeared among the other dancers, whom viewers claimed, was Saffold.

It was evident that Blueface’s mother was only an extra in the movie and likely due to her significantly short screen time, she was not credited as the cast.

Some people wrote in the comments that she could have pursued a career in acting to fully live and maintain the lifestyle she craves. Others noted that Blueface's mother was waiting to be seen even back then.

Internet reacts to Karlissa Saffold's appearance in Friday After Next. (Image via YouTube/@TMYmedia)

"Everyone is chosen" - Internet reacts to Blueface's mother in Soul Plane

The still from Soul Plane was also shared on Instagram by @pluggedsoundztv. Referring to Blueface's mother getting the role of an extra in the movie, some said that it was quite usual for people living in Los Angeles to play extras in movies or shows.

A few others began claiming that the rapper is an industry plant, given that his mother probably had contacts in the industry. Several people asserted that every drama that goes on in the lives of American celebrities might be preplanned and scripted.

Here are some of the top reactions:

Internet reacts to Karlissa Saffold's appearance in Soul Plane. (Image via Instagram/@pluggedsoundztv)
Internet reacts to Karlissa Saffold's appearance in Soul Plane. (Image via Instagram/@pluggedsoundztv)
Internet reacts to Karlissa Saffold's appearance in Soul Plane. (Image via Instagram/@pluggedsoundztv)
Internet reacts to Karlissa Saffold's appearance in Soul Plane. (Image via Instagram/@pluggedsoundztv)
Internet reacts to Karlissa Saffold's appearance in Soul Plane. (Image via Instagram/@pluggedsoundztv)
Internet reacts to Karlissa Saffold's appearance in Soul Plane. (Image via Instagram/@pluggedsoundztv)
Internet reacts to Karlissa Saffold's appearance in Soul Plane. (Image via Instagram/@pluggedsoundztv)
Internet reacts to Karlissa Saffold's appearance in Soul Plane. (Image via Instagram/@pluggedsoundztv)

Karlissa Saffold also recently started her own family reality show, CixoT, featuring Blueface and her other children.

Netizens speculated that the rapper’s drama with Chrisean Rock might also be brought up in the show’s upcoming episodes.

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