Porsha Williams continues her Fashion Council series and you can check out below the podcast that she shared. Here it is.
‘Inner beauty, outer beauty, it all starts with CONFIDENCE. Who is your style icon? Shout them out in the comments below! Listen to an all-new episode of the “Porsha4real” Podcast Now! Subscribe and listen to Porsha4Real on Stitcher, Pandora, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and any audio streaming platform!’ she wrote.
The other day she was saying: ‘You gotta know how to make your clothes work for you! Tell us what your style conundrum is on our Ask Me Anything hotline (661) 513-3657 and we may answer your question on an upcoming episode!! Subscribe and listen to Porsha4Real on Stitcher, Pandora, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and any audio streaming platform!’
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A post shared by #PorshaWilliams (@porsha4real)
A follwoer said: ‘This is sending me mixed messages. It seems like you didn’t have confidence because your entire body has changed due to procedures since you started the show. Where was the confidence in your natural body?’
One other follower posted this: ‘Miss Diane does not come to play! Always looks awesome,’ and a commenter said: ‘Yes grandma. Your grandma will be me to my granddaughters. Just be you.’
One commenter posted this: ‘On April 16th, 2021 my brother Deion Strayhorn passed away in a jail cell. Deion complained of stomach issues for weeks and was denied seeing medical. As a family, we are saddened by the loss of our loved one that could have been prevented. He threw up for weeks and was given Pepto Bismo. Because my brother was an inmate awaiting a court date he was not given the proper treatment he deserved that would have kept him alive. Gwinnett County police have given us zero answers or explanation for the negligence. We have been left here to grieve a brother, son and friend. All we ask is you come stand with us in this fight to end police brutality.’
Stay tuned for more news.